We would love to hear from you. Feel free to reach out using the below details.
Por favor, revise luego la página está en desarrollo. Puede comunicarse con Kathy al (301) 932-8811 extensión 301 si tiene preguntas.
Address: 3065 Old Washington Rd., Waldorf, MD 20601
Hours: 9:30AM-4:00PM
Call or Text: 301-932-8811
Email: info@catherinefoundation.org
Waldorf location:
Appointments are needed for material assistance, peer counseling, healthy & unhealthy relationships, ultrasounds, crisis pregnancy or adoption counseling, as well as nurse counseling for topics such as sexually transmitted diseases. Walk-In pregnancy tests are welcome.
Appointments Available:
Mon. – Fri. 9:30am – 2:30pm; 1st and 3rd Sat 10am-1pm
Please call the Waldorf office to make an appointment: (301) 932-8811
Por favor, revise luego. Puede comunicarse con Kathy al (301) 932-8811 extensión 301 si tiene preguntas.
Potomac Heights Baptist Church location:
Mon. 10:30-12:30
Please call Waldorf office to make an appointment: (301) 932-8811